Eduardo Bouças

Results 177 comments of Eduardo Bouças

Currently we're relying on WebPageTest as a source of data. Is this something we can extract from there? If not, what other tool would you recommend?

Where would we display this information? In the same graph as the content breakdown (requests)? I'm not sure it's a good idea to add yet another chart, as we'll end...

In that case a separate graph with render-blocking CSS and JS would probably make sense. I just wonder if the method of determining whether a resource is render-blocking that you...

So I suppose we'd need to actually download the HTML page for the given URL and inspect the DOM look for scripts and stylesheets, taking into account their attributes and...

If we could make the [chart library]( aware of this and ignore these outliers when defining the scale, that would be ideal. It would avoid deleting actual data from the...

We use esbuild to transpile ESM functions when using NFT. Unfortunately, esbuild seems to error when it encounters a malformed `package.json`, leading to this problem. We should upgrade our esbuild...

> What was the idea behind restricting this to certain directories instead of allowing it for every function? We did not want to expose this config support to user-generated functions?...

I also don't see any obvious downsides of allowing all configuration properties. I think the proposal mentioned those two as examples of properties we have an identified use case for...

> would you mind looking over basically your own code once more, and comment if you notice something? Done!