Eduardo Bouças

Results 177 comments of Eduardo Bouças

Shouldn't this be handled by [Queue]( /cc @orinocai

I was under the impression that our messaging queue piece would be the long-term solution for handling this type of thing, as it should elegantly solve issues of concurrency/locks that...

Hello! 👋 May I ask for some clarification on what needs to be done? > a query getting 100 redirects is fine, at present it will trigger 100 individual lookup...

Thanks for the update, that makes sense. I suggest we discuss this on next week's product meeting (or just a short call with me, you and @jimlambie to avoid boring...

This is configurable via the `auth.ttl` config property, but affects all clients. We can look at allowing the TTL value to be overridden at the client level when it is...

Jeez, I was thinking about this yesterday! It could be part of the `validation` block, perhaps.

Your examples make perfect sense and I can see other use cases where this might be useful. I also agree that hooks are the wrong answer to this, because hooks...

> With that logic, hooks need not exist. They could easily be custom endpoint. That's not true. Hooks run *in conjunction with* the normal document endpoints logic, not instead of....

Make that sugar free, please.

I'm personally not a fan of the preview link route because I think it creates dangerous precedents in terms of coupling and, most importantly, it makes a lot of bad...