Yudi Edri Alviska

Results 5 issues of Yudi Edri Alviska

react-native: 0.55.3 OS: iOS Xcode: 10

### How were you trying to build the app? npm run android ### Full build logs ```tsx Build file '/Users/yudiedrialviska/projects/nascance/upgrade/haermes3-mobile/node_modules/react-native-vision-camera/android/build.gradle' line: 354 A problem occurred evaluating project ':react-native-vision-camera'. > Cannot...

🔧 build error

update example and dependencies ## Summary by CodeRabbit - **New Features** - Introduced consistent coding styles with `.editorconfig`. - Added a CI workflow for linting, typechecking, testing, and building. -...

change package clipboard to @react-native-clipboard/clipboard because can't run on react-native 0.73.x

update react-native-device-info to 10.4.0