Ed Randall
Ed Randall
Seems to happen when the deployment requests / limits has been specified using `M` rather than `Mi` eg. we have a deployment where it's been entered as: ``` resources: requests:...
Link back to #1534 * https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2020/01/28/introduction-to-eclipse-jkube-java-tooling-for-kubernetes-and-red-hat-openshift/
Problem with JKube is that is is not a straight migration from f8 / dmp. The approach seems to be, aim for lowest-common-denominator, removing f8 features that don't immediately fit...
Seems there may be a maven workaround: `-Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.insecure=true` Update: Doesn't work unfortunately. ``` sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target ```
Solved by installing the .crt file from the server into the JDK lib/security/cacerts file on the build-tools image I'm using.
cacerts file is in JAVA_HOME/[jre]/lib/security/cacerts You could either: 1) Update that cacerts file with your server's cert, using keytool -importcert 2) Create an alternate cacerts file and -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/path/to/alternate/cacerts For testing...
I have a use-case, to clean-up string values that may contain 'illegal' kubernetes label: characters. I was approaching it the only logical way (since there is no example in the...
My build does contain an ADD command for the assembly delivered by maven (though it's moved to / by setting an assembly "name") and the plugin still emits the warning....
I tracked this down to the /etc/environment file in the VM. If rancher-desktop is started (for first-time or after a reset) and at that time the environment variable `http_proxy` (etc.)...
It's become important to get sorted sooner rather than later and not let it drag on. We simply can't use it as-is. Exact choice of name seems still open but...