Results 5 issues of edpyt

[Topic Exchange Guide]( When i run `` with specific routing key, `` still receives all messages. ![image](

example: ```python @dataclass class User: first_name: str last_name: str @dataclass class UserResponse: full_name: str converter_user_to_response = get_converter( User, UserResponse, recipe=[ link( P[User].first_name & P[User].last_name, P[UserResponse].full_name, coercer=lambda first_name, last_name: f"{first_name} {last_name}"...


### Question Hello! How to use struct field name instead of field object name? case: ```python import msgspec class MyStruct(msgspec.Struct): my_f: str = msgspec.field(default="", name="struct_f") encoded = msgspec.yaml.encode(msgspec.convert({"struct_f": "Hello"}, type=MyStruct))...