
Results 17 issues of Édouard

After thinking more about it, the .lntop/config.toml creation at start up was a mistake which should be fixed in next versions. I think everything needs to be more explicit and...

original gocui is not updated anymore https://github.com/awesome-gocui/gocui

### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues. ### Is this issue related to iced? - [X] My hardware is compatible and...


Raw hex transactions give not enough information about the UTXO recipients. We introduce in this commit two more fields to the list items: change_index and cpfp_index, respectively the indexes of...

In order to make daemonize-simple optional

When client is retrieving the information, it is hard to understand which outputs are the recipients, the change or the cpfp Inspiration: `listspendtxs` https://github.com/revault/revaultd/blob/master/src/daemon/jsonrpc/api/mod.rs#L1296

Adding this new field simplifies greatly the caching of spend transaction on the watchtower side. It is possible to change the API further by changing `get_spend_tx ` for `get_spend_txs [,...

In order to introduce complex spend policies more information must be given to participants retrieving the spend. ## Usecase Give information about the output recipient address and make it simpler...

## Stakeholder watchtower 1. The watchower is able to scan its database and the chain and be aware of if something is missing. Watchtower has the deposit descriptor and is...