Ewan Donnachie
Ewan Donnachie
First, thankyou for developing DesktopDeployR. It's a helpful way to get started with shiny in a corporate environment. Can you confirm that RMarkdown documents with shiny runtime are not supported....
I'm experiencing the error previously described in this thread: https://community.rstudio.com/t/readr-write-csv-gives-fatal-error-in-r-studio/113479/4 When trying to write a data frame with `readr::write_csv2`, R crashes before writing any data to the file. The issue...
## Description Nanoplots are seemingly not implemented for LaTeX output, and write HTML to the .tex file. Obviously, this returns in an error when compiling to PDF: More generally, LaTeX...
When translating a date to SQL with an ODBC connection to an Oracle database, dbplyr returns SQL of the form "DATE 2024-02-27". This is incorrect and leads to the error...