Hi all, just to flag that I still have the "need to manually ignore v1.9 from search engine results" as a pain-point - see example search below (v1.9 top Google...
_Corollary usability question to above. Asking here as ~related, and just to seek out "technically im/possible" info to my question below - happy to promote to proper issue if it's...
Just encountered the same issue on Linux, updating an old conda env using `nbdime==3.1.1` (which didn't exhibit this) to `nbdime==4.0.1` (context: old nbdiff-web was stalling on a big notebook; I...
> * Hopefully GitHib will be ok with zip (binary) files as large as 16MB. @tkknight - from complaint messages from GitHub when I've inadvertently pushed up large binary files...
_@bjlittle - re your concrete use-cases:_ If useful to see some (~pedestrian, non hyp[er|o]cube-y) code-in-wild examples of target hyperspace for interpolation/regridding, I've got a couple here (sorry, only viewable internally@MO)....
@pp-mo - dunno re issue, but wonder if you're recalling the part-filled example in Jacob's [hypotheticube article](https://medium.com/informatics-lab/hypothetical-datasets-70381cce8a9#3e1d)? Or poss another [Informatic Lab article](https://medium.com/informatics-lab)? (here's @DPeterK 's one on [supermegahypercubes](https://medium.com/informatics-lab/lab-on-the-road-the-informatics-lab-at-egu19-a5835acb05a8#66d2)
To clarify my (mis)understanding of what you mean @pp-mo - the `DataManager` class is in user-space code? i.e. user-written and maintained, not part of iris?
Oooh just discovered this issue via [DragonTaming](https://github.com/orgs/SciTools/projects/19/views/7?pane=issue&itemId=32859991) board @trexfeathers. Sounds like you've got a fair bit of input from working group already; please shout though if useful to have more,...
> @cgsandford sorry to hear you're experiencing problems. You're right that Iris' use of cftime datetimes isn't documented, but then again this isn't something that's expected to cause problems in...
BTW, just in case I've excluded this prematurely as an option here, just to say that when I was 1st debugging this, I was hunting for a `.to_datetime()` method on...