Edmund Craske
Edmund Craske
I'm trying to set up the workshop in my own AWS account using the instructions at https://catalog.us-east-1.prod.workshops.aws/workshops/31676d37-bbe9-4992-9cd1-ceae13c5116c/en-US/installation/not-using-ee/deploy-app but every time I try to do the deployment at step 16, when...
I am hitting an issue with https://github.com/bridgecrewio/checkov/ throwing a parsing error where a .tf file containing an `aws_codebuild_project` resource has a `buildspec` attribute defined using a heredoc that contains a...
I have a '[preview]' section set in my ~/.aws/config file that previously enabled some preview features for CloudFront (not sure if they are still needed). This is/was a legitimate configuration...