Edmond Siu
Edmond Siu
@HoangKhanh2003 if you're using standardnotes with docker - what is the tag that you're using to pull `3.9.10`?
I have the same login issue - the enforcement should be performed on the server side (when the password is set). Enforcing this requirement on login is unnecessary.
I second this. I have a multigig egress and I noticed I suffer from fluctuation quite a bit (e.g., when a known-slow server was automatically selected). I don't particularly care...
I ran into a similar issue earlier (https://github.com/Xantios/cockpit-docker/issues/5). Sadly I didn't find a solution to this annoying problem. :(
That bothered me enough and I have found a workaround - it involves modifying the css supplied by the original cockpit installation. Since we're modifying files created by a package...
I have found this [jquery.min.js.gz](https://github.com/Xantios/cockpit-docker/files/5911286/jquery.min.js.gz) from an old installation of cockpit, and I sticked it into `/usr/share/cockpit/base1/jquery.min.js.gz`, and that was enough to get this module to work. Don't know if...
@markusthiel looks like MySQL 8.4 deprecated `--default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password` I was able to bring up the DB and clear the error by substituting that option with `--mysql-native-password=ON` ```diff --- command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password --character-set-server=utf8mb4...