Hi @giuseppeaiello, how do you get the translated path? The Locale switcher component in the doc doesn't seem to work when using localized routes, I imagine this bit should be...
Thank you for your answser @giuseppeaiello. I already followed your example and adding slugs, but the $tp function has no info of this right?
OK thanks, I got it working using your code and by adding translated slugs in the translation json files. I first thought that the routes.js file wad sufficient by itself,...
Same here!
@tj any news on this feature?
Oh OK, sorry to hear that. Does it mean you will stop maintaining this repo entirely?
OK, thank you for your answer :)
Thank you @kaihendry, I will have a look.
Neat! Thank you for this detailed answer @scott113341 . I use Atom right now and I'm not sure I can have the same behaviour out of the box. At least...