> in order to be able to get normal IP addresses to the minecraft server. in order for the server to be able to receive external IP addresses of players....
> in order to be able to get normal IP addresses to the minecraft server. in order for the server to be able to receive external IP addresses of players....
> > > in order to be able to get normal IP addresses to the minecraft server. in order for the server to be able to receive external IP addresses...
> > > > > in order to be able to get normal IP addresses to the minecraft server. in order for the server to be able to receive external...
> > > > > > > in order to be able to get normal IP addresses to the minecraft server. in order for the server to be able to...
> Would it be possible for you to make separated github posts for the socks5 server and socks5 client so they are independent and less confusing when trying to make...
> 比如 如下情况: B机器不出网,A机器播VPN--->B,A 能 ping 通B,但 B 不能 ping 通 A,在 A 上开启监听端口,B 正向来连 A 建立正向 socks,不同以往的出网反向socks。 类似于 msf 的 bind_shell 上线。 在这里B不能通A为什么还需要A来开启监听
> 看说明好像没有kcp的参数,如果我需要kcp来传输,请问怎样启用 1. 目前kcp仅在socks udp转发时有效 3. 开启kcp参数 **fuc --kcp --su** 代码在这里: [--kcp](https://github.com/editso/fuso/blob/refactor/dev/src/bin/client/fuso_clap.rs#L15)
> Hi – sounds fine theoretically, but I don't know anything about Android development. Does it mean adding lots of Android-specific build system stuff? The main thing here is to...
> 最近逛github才发现fuso这么个不错的小工具,确实不错 然后有了一些不错的想法,来提个issue,想看看大佬的看法 1. websocket目前还不能支持, 下一个版本可能会支持 2. kcp目前在socks5 udp转发时有支持. [kcp实现在这](https://github.com/editso/fuso/tree/refactor/dev/src/net/kcp) 另外: 非常感谢, 有其他想法你可以直接[提交issue](https://github.com/editso/fuso/issues/new/choose), 将尽可能满足你的需求