Tried opening here on the mac mini M1 but no success, tried using terminal a get this error: ``` ./COLMAP.app/Contents/MacOS/colmap dyld[97987]: Library not loaded: @rpath/libamd.2.dylib Referenced from: /Applications/COLMAP.app/Contents/Frameworks/libspqr.2.dylib Reason: tried:...
> Hello, > > It's unclear to me if this is new information compared to https://github.com/rycus86/prometheus_flask_exporter?tab=readme-ov-file#debug-mode ? Hello Rycus86, after I submitted the pull and was looking for other thing...
I think that is a issue with the used collation, I installed a fresh version of the mybb, I tried create both users to test, no sucess, because the collation...