
Results 7 issues of edimetia3d

Hi, I've implemented both clox and jlox in my [GitHub Project](https://github.com/edimetia3d/cppLox) after learning this great tutorial. Like many other people, I've basically hand-typed everything and written the code with my...

Hi, I am implementing a custom torchscript jit backend like glow did, and might have found some little issue when custom fuse pass doing [tryMerge](https://github.com/pytorch/glow/blob/567582c50a2bd11dc201ec0ba32081b90c2c6ac1/torch_glow/src/GlowFuser.cpp#L131) It seems that the fuse...

Hi, I am trying to implement a cusomt torchscript jit backend, and have got some info at pytorch forum. https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/is-there-some-document-about-adding-a-custom-jit-backend/128247/2 Follwing advice there, I am trying to implement a jit...

Since I am not an expert in windows programming, the problems in this project have been beyond my ability, I can hardly contribute more to this project. And also, I...

1. Need some tblgen test to check the translation 2. Need to recreate all unit tests, because upstream has no type hints, which is required for JIT backends

1. Add JIT support for REPL style usage and script style usage. 2. Add options to output obj file and llvmir-asm file
