Yidi Yang
Yidi Yang
Does fortio support [curl like (single request) mode](https://github.com/fortio/fortio#curl-like-single-request-mode) for gRPC protocol as well? I found that `grpcping` always returns the load test result, can we also support returning a single...
Hi there, we need to use tinygo for building the WASM module in envoy since standard Go complier doesn't support WASI(WebAssembly System Interface), see details at [here](https://github.com/tetratelabs/proxy-wasm-go-sdk#requirements), so we wonder...
Hi there, we have a library which requires custom build tags to build it (because there is a TinyGo specific target that cannot be complied by Bazel for now https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/issues/3197,...
**Please provide a description of this PR:** This PR adds support for the impersonate flags used in kube client in the istioctl. Related issue https://github.com/istio/istio/issues/52285
**Please provide a description of this PR:**