Denis Erofeev
Denis Erofeev
When we choose winner of a/b test and then click on link "make permanent" we confirm with, for example "Finish this experiment and assign all current and future participants to...
When I try to run ```assets:precompile``` task on production server (Rails 5.1.4, Vanity - last version), I get this error: ``` NoMethodError: undefined method `set_experiment_created_at' for nil:NilClass /var/www/oneclass/shared/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/vanity-2.2.9/lib/vanity/experiment/base.rb:156:in `save' /var/www/oneclass/shared/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/vanity-2.2.9/lib/vanity/experiment/ab_test.rb:536:in...
What does it mean: converted = nil, converted = 0, converted = 1 ? converted field from vanity_participants table.
What is 'show me' and how it works in admin panel? (/vanity)
I installed nginx-full and trying to use json.lua with NGINX: Example: nginx.conf: `location /test { default_type 'text/plain'; content_by_lua_block { local json = require("json") ngx.say(json.decode('[1,2,3,{"x":10}]')) }` then curl http://localhost:8080/test and got...
I run data container: ```docker run -v /data --name my-data busybox true``` then run: ```docker run --rm -v $(which docker):/docker -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock svendowideit/samba my-data``` and get the error: ``` please...
Hi, thanks for this beautiful gem. I see that we can added static labels in sidekiq job (on official page of a gem): _Custom labels can be added for individual...