Edward Kim
Edward Kim
^^^ From a quick scan, it looks like there may be up to three issues: 1. You're passing in an Elsevier API key (which you should probably not post publicly...
Ah -- Python 2 and 3 handle `bytes` and `str` conversions differently. This codebase is pretty old and was not originally written with much future compatibility in mind (which is...
My first guess would be that there might be something wrong with your API key (e.g., maybe it expired)? The timeout could be due to many root causes... it's a...
So this is actually behaviour as-expected (but I understand why it might be frustrating or unclear). Roughly what has happened is the following: 1. CrossRef is queried to retrieve DOIs....
FWIW if you need more help, you may find some luck by tagging the people currently in @olivettigroup/synthesis-project
Ah yes, I've seen this one before. From memory, this can happen if you are running the script vs your manual checks on different IP addresses. If you are at...
Hmmm honestly my best guess is that the underlying GET call is broken at this point (since the code is somewhat old now). Probably either the URL or the HTTP...
Oh, I think this is a version problem. This code was written before Tensorflow 2 IIRC. You could try rolling back (as there may be other underlying issues even if...
^^^ Unfortunately, this isn't feasible for copyright / legal reasons. Most of these articles require licenses to the underlying journals / publishers to access the full-text.