Dirk Eddelbuettel
Dirk Eddelbuettel
Great package, @jalvesaq and too bad it'll never make CRAN for Policy violations. I think you should consider a post on r-devel and ask if R Core would like it...
`s/strats/starts/` I presume?
Hi there. The RQuantLib "port" of (parts of) QuantLib to R has its own repo here: https://github.com/eddelbuettel/rquantlib We also have a (fairly slow) mailing list you could try: https://groups.io/g/rquantlib/topics The...
I just 'cleared' your flag as first-time poster (a common spam check) so the post is up, and I hope someone can help you. Replies and new posts by you...
That is likely build / OS dependent via the _system_ time zone library; I have no control over the one in the Windows build. ```r > anytime::anytime(c("Nov 1, 2000", "Nov...
> so maybe try that ... because R ships its own timezone db which _may_ help you when you OS leaves you in the dark as above.
Arrggh. If it changes with `useR=TRUE` then it is clearly the Boost parser, and there is likely little to nothing we can do :-/. FWIW, on Linux, ```r R> anytime::anytime(c("2.343423423",...
Try adding `anytime::setDebug(1)` to see how 'far' we get. Here: ```r R> anytime:::setDebug(1) [1] TRUE R> anytime::anytime(c("2.343423423", "3.435435345")) before tests: 2.343423423 In: 2.343423423 out: 2.343423423 and s: 2.343423423 len: 11...
Thanks. I later realized the `debug` is not that useful -- that I just the string parsing. Linux result is the same as the macOS result.
That was already documented in https://github.com/eddelbuettel/anytime/issues/78, and is likely also a Boost issue. Try with `useR=TRUE`.