Edan Weis

Results 11 issues of Edan Weis

When map style is changed, layers are removed (even with `clearSource: false` option) and the new style loads without the previous layer. Geojson features do not display, despite their sources...

Has the GRAKN team ever thought to implement natural language to graql via machine learning models and datasets similar to https://github.com/salesforce/WikiSQL and other efforts using [SQL ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/x-sql-reinforce-context-into-schema-representation/) and Neo4j's [Cypher](https://medium.com/octavian-ai/answering-english-questions-using-knowledge-graphs-and-sequence-translation-2acbaa35a21d)?...

type: feature

I'm getting an error, or I am confused about how the nsga-ii algorithm works. Why do results generate points in objective space which are not in the original CSV, when...

I came across this paper which presents a technique to increase speed and maintain print quality. Just wondering if the BCN3D community is aware of it, or whether it could...


I'm submitting this PR because I needed a way to stop propagation of touch events from another component to the vue-card-stack. It was easier to add `dragEnabled` than to stop...

I get the following error when using inlineRequires. `handlebars TypeError: str.indexOf is not a function` No helpers are causing the error. my loader: `{ test: /\.handlebars$/, loader:"handlebars-loader", query : {...


David, is RAG with graphs example in txtai essentially the same as what has been reported here? https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/blog/graphrag-unlocking-llm-discovery-on-narrative-private-data/ Thanks

I'm getting an error using Cloudsight API, on windows. ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "cloudy_vision.py", line 264, in process_all_images() File "cloudy_vision.py", line 198, in process_all_images api_result = vendor_module.call_vision_api(filepath,...

Following the [mapbox tutorial here](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/example/animate-camera-around-point/) the following code doesn't work: ``` rotateCamera(timestamp) { this.$refs.map.map.rotateTo((timestamp / 100) % 360, { duration: 0 }) requestAnimationFrame(this.rotateCamera) } ``` error ``` [Vue warn]: Unhandled...