A bug to fix:When create pdf invoice at magento's backend,it will get 503 error,reference to:https://www.varnish-cache.org/forum/topic/419 add these code: if ( req.url ~ "._/admin/sales_order_invoice/print/._" ) { set req.http.connection = "close"; return...
Hi, Is it ok to show monthly statistics? even yearly,it seems fun.
so.com is a search engine,it's bot name is 360Spider. sm.cn is a search engine too,which only server mobile user,it's bot name is YisouSpider. https://www.so.com/s http://image.so.com/v http://st.so.com/stu https://m.so.com/s https://yz.m.sm.cn/s https://so.m.sm.cn/s https://m.sm.cn/s
It's OK to run regain-crawler.jar when cd to it's directory,otherwise,it will show error like: [edu@fileserver ~]$ java -jar /opt/regaincrawler/regain-crawler.jar ERROR: Logging configuration file not found: /home/edu/log4j.properties So,it means that can't...
Hi,Vinai,i install the CategoryLink,an error happen,how to fix it?By the way,my website is in chineses;here is the report: a:5:{i:0;s:728:"SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'main_table.vinaikopp_link_url' in 'field list', query...
Hi: Does ksmbd supports recycle of vfs? How to enable it?