Edward Bordin

Results 9 comments of Edward Bordin

I gave up on binding the original API I was working with and instead made some simple classes encapsulating the functionality I needed and used nbind to expose those to...

To add some detail, if you install the latest emsdk, emscripten tries to build wasm by default and fails during linking. I found if I replaced `node_modules/nbind/src/pre.js` and `node_modules/nbind/src/post.js` with...

@william-silversmith you should also be able to add `"cflags": ["-s WASM=0"]` to your binding.gyp file. It would be nice to have the option to generate a working wasm build too...

I ended up running into enough issues with nbind's default gypi configuration that I made my own copy of `nbind.gypi` and included that instead of including `auto.gypi`. This allowed me...

We are getting this error when there are broker issues, but the consumer never seems to recover, it just sits there for hours until we find it the next morning....

I worked out that because I had called `ConsumerBuilder.SetErrorHandler` I needed to check for fatal errors in my error handler. If I don't set an error handler will I receive...

As you say, we probably do have issues in our broker. It has been configured to start discarding old messages when the topic gets too large (we have another consumer...

@adeelhussain I had the same problem. As a workaround I found I could disable dragging when the mouse enters any of the input fields. In the component code: export class...

This is sort of related to #1353. Although in my use-case I want the different package sets to have versions that are as similar as possible. Whereas you want to...