
Results 15 comments of Mitch

Good to know they switched to WebHID.

A temporary fix is to include a flag for your script to run, but that only works in the case where you can get away with running it once in...

> The current thinking is this breaks the physical metaphor we are going for and sends a message to the user that they are interacting with a piece of software...

Yup, that died ages ago... I need to update the readme 😬

## PostgREST In the meantime while WASI Sockets are on the way and proper host component support gets implemented, I made this demo of PostgREST running in Spin so users...

> Perhaps to expose something like this we should start a discussion for API security for Spin? [Hasura exposes an admin console for their service, but it's a flag. Maybe...

I'll take a crack at a SIP 😁

I want something to execute on start, and never again (`0 0 5 31 2 ?`) Would this be a supported feature? Some schedulers error out on runaway dates.

`interval = "infinity"` works! I want "on start" to run some code that registers callbacks with another service before starting my app. In the future, I also want to do...