The version is compatible with Pytorch 1.8, RTX3070. So I close this issue.
hi, @ggsDing have you find any method to visualize the offset?
@tengteng95 Could you please recommend the tools you used to visualize the attention mask?
Hi, @pengyaru, I will answer these questions one by one. (1) Due to license restrictions, I cannot send you my dataset (more than 400 .ttf files). But you can download...
For the character.txt, please refer to #8. The CHARACTERSIZE is set to 50 for images with 80*80 resolution. Due to the constrain of copyright, we cannot provide the fonts in...
I also encountered this error after i updated some libraries to the higher versions. I feel sorry that i haven't resolve this problem. it seems there's a race condition in...
This is a few-shot generation problem. You can use a pre-trained model (using 400 fonts) to achieve it. Specifically, you can create a new folder named "id_401" to store your...