Dr Ed Morris

Results 20 comments of Dr Ed Morris

@BenWilson2, here's the feature request idea I have for the extension of the types of data formats that the boiler template `mlflow.azureml` module supports. Currently it would appear because of...

@BenWilson2 that's great to hear, thank you for considering it. I have a few more thoughts on how this might be achieved. One other potential idea is to have a...

I am having the same issue, with the agent-services container continually restarting. I have installed clearml server on an Azure VM, running on Ubuntu 18.04. It's a completely fresh machine...

Thanks for the quick feedback @jkhenning. So just to be clear then, if I go to the profile page on the ClearML WebUI, and generate a App Credential, just like...

@jkhenning Thanks so much. This has resulted in a stable system. ``` CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 9ef0d8cfc721 allegroai/clearml-agent-services:latest "/usr/agent/entrypoi…" About an hour ago Up About an...

@jkhenning In relation to the issue of requiring the agent-services service needing secret keys that need to be set in environment variables. What is the safest way of doing this...

Just to back up this feature on @DmitriGekhtman has already said, I have found it advantageous to be able to specify pod types, like you can with the Kubernetes helm...

A Kubernetes based helm chart (i.e. non `kuberay`) would look like the following: ```yaml podTypes: # The key for each podType is a user-defined string. # Since we set headPodType:...

> KubeRay is also Kubernetes-based :) Just a different implementation targeting similar problems. @DmitriGekhtman you are indeed most correct sir, it was a poor description by myself. I was attempting...

@DmitriGekhtman was wondering if something like this would work: Modify the `workerGroupSpecs` section (as you suggested) of the `raycluster-cluster.yaml` template of the helm chart for `kuberay ray-cluster` to accept a...