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The Ceylon repository web application

Results 69 ceylon-herd issues
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Herd should be able to _federate_ external repos, especially maven repos, to allow Ceylon modules distributed via Herd to refer to dependencies actually provided by an external maven repo, without...

high priority

This is probably a down-the-road sort of issue: In my first use of Herd I managed to upload and publish the module-doc without its .resources subfolder. Suggested improvements: - Make...


A bit like stackoverflow badges. Way low priority ;) Ideas: - admin - commented on a module - published a module - published 10 modules - owns a module -...


I'm not sure if this should be instead of "project claims" or an addition to them, but the idea is that you could claim a base domain like "org.jboss" and...


If Herd replies to zeroconf queries, the Eclipse IDE can detect local instances.


When you're releasing version X.Y+1 on Herd it would be great if it could compare the uploaded .car to the .car for X.Y and warn you if the two were...


For tools that want to publish modules to Herd we need an API, so that over HTTP(S) a tool can: 1. Obtain an upload URL (or equivalently an upload ID,...
