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Results 69 ceylon-herd issues
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From a specific module, with an option to include its transitive dependencies.


I'm sure this could be useful for some of the emails herd generates: https://developers.google.com/gmail/actions/


It would be nice to have an easy way to claim multiple projects. For example by having a button that allows you to add and accept a claim with one...


In Apache or Play, whatever.


Hi, I would like to submit a feature request: to allow Ceylon programmers to search for modules/functions by type signature (in addition to normal "search by name"). This would be...


This came up on IRC just now... Although there's a page for the modules in the SDK (https://modules.ceylon-lang.org/categories/SDK) that's less helpful than it could be when it comes to browsing...


Perhaps restricted to admins? Show total car/js/jar downloads, including total size pushed. Show number of modules published. Show number of users, and number of modules published.


Currently we record the total numbers but it would be nice to record the number per month too so we can graph things.


And prevent them from being published in the main repo.


Do like Debian Alioth and allow users to create their own public repos, and publish to them, including snapshots.
