Echt Einfach TV
Echt Einfach TV
you can do it with the URL, e.g.:
Only issue is if you have several functions, as the URL is only for 1 function in the current version. See
Here is a video of a software called mathegrafix 9 which shows options to label the axes and change the ranges: You may want to take this as an...
I would love to see this feature, together with "Set point" or "Set point of interest" that snaps to the graph.
That you can use your mouse and go over the graph, where a Point with x-y-coordinates is shown. Clicking there sets the point. Clicking again onto the point removes it....
Is there any way in the recent version of to set a point. What would be the syntax?
Hi Anthony, how would you notate a constant vector. I tried: `\vector()` and `\vec()` and `\vect()` but ran into problems, mainly CAS failure and parenthesis. Tried `\vector(4,0){0}` without luck. Any...
Alright, thanks for clarification! Any chance to follow you to get notice when the new version is released? E.g. RSS feed?
It needs a workaround to get twitter as RSS, here is your URL: I subscribed :)
Maybe we should skip values in general that are higher than y=1000 and lower than y=-1000. I remember writing a tangent program where I checked for the "jump" from tan(x),...