Evan Chicoine
Evan Chicoine
This work encompasses the ongoing development of methodology for maintaining a list of exact matches, case insensitive matches, and lays ground work for future "sounds like" matches.
Please review changes made for DateTime comparison. Current DateTime comparison changes date passed in and never passes based on expected output demonstrated by the tool. The modified approach checks for...
https://github.com/jamesagnew/hapi-fhir/blob/master/hapi-fhir-base/src/main/java/ca/uhn/fhir/util/OperationOutcomeUtil.java#L110 I would like the ability to get all reported issues returned in the diagnostics field in the response body json entity. It doesn't need to be the default behavior,...
When running Refresh and specifying a FHIR server to persist the resources to, I found resources that would fail in the initial attempt, but POST in the second attempt, indicating...
Data returned using $collect-data associates ids in the name entry for each resource: "name" : "measureReport-e8029124-d760-40eb-b25a-703e447a3e4d" These name entries however are used in SubmitDataProvider as 'OperationParam' identifiers, which are validating...