Evgeni Chasnovski

Results 153 comments of Evgeni Chasnovski

`vim.tbl_islist()` is soft deprecated on Nightly in favor of `vim.islist()`. So using something like `local islist = vim.fn.has('nvim-0.10') == 1 and vim.islist or vim.tbl_islist` in the code base should be...

> It looks like this error no longer occurs using deprecated functions on nvim nightly. Yes, because `vim.fn.has()` was [made compatible with fast events](https://github.com/neovim/neovim/commit/1294e221a205f1f3c6d2e31421b674db6e747406) specifically to resolve this kind of...

Nice! Implementation seems a bit hacky, but can't suggest any better. Will definitely use it.

> Are there other filetype-local options that could be interesting (and thus warrant a generic vim.treesitter.get_lang_option)? 'comments' can be an important one for commenting plugins. And a more general `vim.treesitter.get_option()`...

> It is what it is. Fundementally we need to load `runtime/ftplugin/.vim` which needs a buffer to pollute information into. One downside to this I've realized is that it can...

> 2\. The idea is to have a generic interface that will _not_ require hard-coding some "blessed" options, so whether, e.g., `include` is pointless or not should make no difference....

> @echasnovski Not a default colorscheme issue. It is how 'statusline', 'tabline', 'winbar' (and probably 'statuscolumn') blend colors and is present in Neovim 0.9.4.

> Also related to #26502 No, it is not related. See [this comment](https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/26037#issuecomment-1838584354).

> I don't think this is a good idea. Scattering deprecated things across multiple files makes them difficult to find, and not every deprecation can have a straightforward tag. I...

> Not only that, but since all deprecations are gathered in one massive file without any time differentiation I'd argue finding deprecations becomes _harder_, not easier. This is akin to...