
Results 53 issues of ebraminio

I am getting `/usr/bin/ld: subprojects/ttf-parser/libttf_parser_capi.a(std-205127404fcba336.std.595pxchd-cgu.0.rcgu.o): undefined reference to symbol 'pthread_getattr_np@@GLIBC_2.2.5'` and `/usr/bin/ld: subprojects/ttf-parser/libttf_parser_capi.a(std-205127404fcba336.std.595pxchd-cgu.0.rcgu.o): in function 'std::sys::unix::weak::fetch': /rustc/49cae55760da0a43428eba73abcb659bb70cf2e4//src/libstd/sys/unix/weak.rs:61: undefined reference to 'dlsym'` if I don't pass `thread_dep, cpp.find_library('dl')` (which currently I...

After the changes [happened to jcenter](https://medium.com/codechai/jcenter-bintray-shutting-down-2e029d98a812) I've decided to have a deeper look at my project's dependencies and where they are fetched from, turned out open location code is my...

external repos

Hey there. It will be so nice to add zero to [js.org](https://js.org) domains, https://github.com/js-org/js.org that makes it more accessible to me, can you have a look? Thanks!

Not sure why the extension fails on this page https://ebraminio.github.io/extra/WebGL1.html can you have a look? Maybe because use of global variable or early running the code? Thanks

Great that we now have #1484 as it will ease this, one thing I think worth to do eventually is to coordinate _set_ptem with `opsz` variation axis (and maybe deprecate...

Now that Edge wants to switch to Chromium, they will lose their Kashida justification (see https://crbug.com/913847 for the context) so HarfBuzz and Chromium should prioritize this non-trivial task, which is...


از ایمیل‌های دریافتی: """ در قسمت ویجت ها حالتی طراحی بشه که فقط ۳ روز قبل و بعد از روز نمایش داده بشه و زیرش اسم روز و شماره روز...

از ایمیل‌های دریافتی

البته چندان به نیاز بودنش مطمئن نیست ولی از اینجا شروع می‌شود https://github.com/persian-calendar/DroidPersianCalendar/blob/3ded1bd/PersianCalendar/src/main/res/xml/wallpaper.xml#L5