
Results 140 comments of ebraminio

I couldn't understand what you said, would you please rewrite it in your native language, Persian or Arabic or any other? Thanks :)

آها داستان ارتفاع زیر صفر هست که آن را درست کرده‌ام فقط انتشاری با آن نداده‌ام، در حال حاضر می‌تونید ارتفاع تنظیم شده تو دیالوگ مختصات جغرافیایی رو صفر کنید...

بله واقعیت ارتفاع خیلی هم اثر گذار نیست، البته شاید اشتباهی در کدمان باشد ولی قطعاً ارتفاع‌های چند ده متری منفی تأثیر زیادی ندارد در مقایسه با ارتفاع هزار متری...

Thanks. All I like to be added is one or two levels of select/option with default to current behavior to be honest and maybe some buttons for playing a specific...

Wow, it provides many fantastic hidden goodies! :)

it is okay to add a `blob = new Uint8Array(blob);` I think, see if that can make it always work.

My vote is to have native rendering engine also as they are super lightweight. We have native forms, buttons and scrolls and a native browser is just something should be...

Worth to look I guess https://github.com/zserge/tray

Or have a look at [immediate mode](https://gist.github.com/bkaradzic/853fd21a15542e0ec96f7268150f1b62) GUI libraries like [imgui](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui), I believe libui is just awesome for what it intended, native looking GUI.

This library does support writing Arabic text and apparently support layout RTL alignment when is set implicitly through but no support for explicit setting direction. ---- Asked to put my...