Hi, This should be only minor/warning errors but it depends of your compilation options. I am currently working on AoT compilation and I will update the lib soon, so hopefully...
> I have change the `Keycloak.tokenParsed` with `keycloak.tokenParsed` You are right I didn't update the example/doc yet for changes since 0.9.0. The authenticatedObs may return false during init phases, you...
Hi, Of course, I will try to push it today.
I pushed last changes to the ng4 branch
Hi @AlanCrevon, I updated the documentation on the ng4 branch, and I will try to provide an example before the end of the week. Main changes are related to AoT...
The lib is based on the official keycloak-js, so most of the options are supposed to be still supported. However, some options/methods will not be available like callback functions because...
I am not sure to understand your issue. If no redirect uri is provided at login, the current browser location is used, so after login, the user will be redirected...
I guess you are using ionic/ + keycloak cordova module. Due to some providers limitations (Google), the login tab must to be launched from a system browser (chrome/safari), so inappbrowsertab...