Hi, Tanks for your contribution. I will provide a new version including this fix. I agree with you, some relevant unit tests should be added to the project ;)
I bundled an embedded binary with postgis by modifying the project's scripts but I am not sure the approach is valid. As I didn't found a clean way to download...
I hope a native typescript version of the lib will help for integration. The official angular2 example shows us how to wrap the keycloak-js but for now it is not...
I would be pleased to see the repo officially supported ;). I planned to support angular5+ (new http provider) in the next months.
When the `checkLoginIframe` is enabled, an iframe checks the session status. The behavior is supposed to be the same to the [javascript adapter](https://keycloak.gitbooks.io/documentation/securing_apps/topics/oidc/javascript-adapter.html#_javascript_adapter). I tested it successfully so maybe it...
Hi, @rraksi, the port number should not be an issue for `checkLoginIframe` (I tested iframe + check-sso on different ports).
Hi, which version of the server are you testing ?
Hi, Which version are you using ?
Maybe the latest version (0.9.4) has been retrieved. In that case, the Keycloak module has been renamed to 'KeycloakModule' (see ng4 branch https://github.com/ebondu/angular2-keycloak/blob/ng4/README.md).
Hi, You are right, oauth params are parsed from the callback url and you have to configure the angular router properly (I used the `fragment` mode). Notes that after auth...