How this method is getting called? By the way for better user experience, I assume if the indicator becomes active on the time of mouse hover and lets the client...
@cdebattista in the approach you mentioned, when the tree becomes big and wide the indicator will not attach to the target node and will distance far away from the node...
> In the main generator, the user is synced with the JHipster database when the user logs in. > > It works, but it's not an excellent solution. A better...
> If you have a better solution that works with Keycloak and Okta, I'd love to hear about it. I wondered about keeping everything about users in the keycloak and...
By the way, the functionality to create users after their first login seems not to work properly.
In case the Jhipster keycloak docker image is used for development, by adding the "protocolMappers" attribute to the `web_app` client, we will have the user group in the JWT claim....
If there is no active contribution, Can I take care of this issue? @assada