@Entrecampos and @mpfurnari, thanks guys for your investigation and sharing your solution. Just wondering: Is the disableBatteryOptimizations() and REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATION permissions sufficient to solve the problem? Or BackgroundMode still needs to...
Hi @Entrecampos, What I meant was whether you have tried to run test without PowerManagement code. ie: Just using disableBatteryOptimizations and REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATION permissions.
Oh damn. I was hoping for solution with the need for another plugin. Thanks @Entrecampos
Great @Entrecampos. Let us know your results, and what device you tested it on. I tested it with Samsung S9+ (on Android 9), and it did not seem to work...
Seems to be broken on S9+ again. My app seems to run on average 6-8 hours, on a few occasions I have seen the log of over 20 hours. But...
@JuneTwooo Can you elaborate? The notification from the background mode plugin is shown. The user can't swipe it away. When the app dies, the notification is also gone.
Thanks @JuneTwooo That's interesting info. I don't use the local notification plugin. I'll give it a go to see if it can keep my app alive.
@JuneTwooo . Can you clarify you setup to have you app run in the background? Do you have background mode plugin notification showing ie: silent: false? Do you have PowerManagement...
Thanks. Would that result in showing 2 notifications?
Thanks for the clarification. I'll try with the forked plugin instead.