
Results 17 comments of Eauchat

I'm using i3 window manager. The "copy password" button is grey and unclickable. Also in general it's impossible to copy/paste in the app edit window, which can be very inconvenient...

As of nextcloud 15, this issue it still present. In the same issue @Bridouz mentioned, [another post](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/164#issuecomment-304797793) proposes another way to solve the problem without even removing the app, for...

With nextcloud 15.04, adding `'mysql.utf8mb4' => true,` to `/var/www/nextcloud/config/config.php` caused many issues, like not finding users when you share files, and failing to list users in admin panel. There are...

Where is supposed to be this file? I don't seem to have any file named like this in my server. The folder `/var/log/nextcloud` is empty, in my case.

> inside your data directory I just tried to add an icon and nothing was being logged in the nextcloud.log file.

So doing what you asked @nickvergessen, this is what I get: The icons listed in the page fail to be fetched (404 status). The url to the icons failing to...

> do the files exist in `data/appdata_*****/external/icons/` Yes, they do.

One thing that's missing in this pull request, is how to make sure that the "themes" directory is not removed on yunohost upgrades. But I don't know how and where...

I just realized that `/etc/ssowat/conf.json` is automatically refreshed by the function "app_ssowatconf" on many admin actions. It seems that the way I implemented the saving of the theme name is...

Yes, actually I realize that using settings could be much simpler than implementing the new themes interface. The thing is that if the themes purpose is to let install custom...