same here..
upspin -help (new command signup seems to do the trick :))
is bcrypt the derivation for any password stored on the device?
Sorry I expressed myself incorrectly, i was ABOUT to do a backup (so i did NOT do a backup yet) when this happened and I could not access some of...
Ok NOW, I've my data back, I'm not living in fear and I can do experiments without being scared. I unlocked the basis I've opened through shellchat, try to reopen...
I'll run the backup now and use backalyzer to start analyzing and seeing how I recover all the basis. thanks for being so responsive! as said earlier, I'll learn rust...
Ok yes i'll describe my daily behavior using the device. As pddb, i wonder if a pddb integrity or consistency check as a command would be nice, not knowing the...
I m using 0.9.8 still.
was swamped in work stuff.. now doing my backup and check + xous upgrade, sorry about that, i ll keep you updated on this issue.
ok so i'll summarize: 1. I've manually backup all entries I've recovered (mainly TOTP entries and password entries) 2. I've done a factory reset of the device using the latest...