
Results 82 comments of easyw

@HaydenHu since kicad 5.99 pyclipper can be installed using pip move to the bin folder of kicad (where pcbnew.exe is located) and digit: `python -m pip install pyclipper` You may...

@fabiangeissler you should have a look at fcad_pcb ... https://github.com/realthunder/fcad_pcb/issues/23

Similar to what has done here: https://github.com/easyw/kicadStepUpMod/raw/bfe2acd4c7e8881d03b38ac323df7f75fc233cfb/kicadStepUpCMD.py https://github.com/easyw/kicadStepUpMod/commit/bfe2acd4c7e8881d03b38ac323df7f75fc233cfb

@ceremcem you should need to state that you are using FreeCAD A3 realthunder branch. This is obviously important in your user case ... Links are not implemented by FC main...

you didn't test it in FC main branch did you? The file cannot even be open cleanly in FC main branch.

so please create the example and post it here.

@ceremcem you are so nice not taking your time to post a sample to work on. Moreover nobody is asking you to build FC from source. You should be smart...

@evanshultz @Franck78 recently[ updated the script](https://github.com/easyw/kicad-3d-models-in-freecad/pull/402)... may be he can give us some help...

@Franck78 green light from me! :smile:

@nitrousnrg could you please specify which model generator are you having issues... Not all the generators are python3 ready... Moreover you can copy and paste the error text message instead...