Alireza Easazade
Alireza Easazade
i have this issue
are we gonna get data classes or WHAT? i mean really who wants to use built_value when you can just add a keyword data to the class and be done...
@charafau ok you're right
> My workaround was to set isDismissible: false. > That will remove the blocking of pointer underneath the flushbar with the obvious drawback that the flushbar is not manually dismissible....
this is a great feature for this package. I really look forward to use this feature
da fuck is this
i think anko is an abandoned project
should we invest in anko or not?
for me all icons in generated icons font are not centered at all. and all are exactly 2 pixel lower than to where they need to be to look vertically...
The way it happens to me is when I start typing `Future flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main flutter_icons: # image_path: "assets/images/icon-128x128.png" image_path_android: "assets/icons/icon_legacy.png" image_path_ios: "assets/icons/icon_legacy.png" android: true # can specify file...