Thi I get when I get properties on playing video on vlc custom_components.androidtv.media_player] Output of command 'GET_PROPERTIES' from 'media_player.minim8s2': {'screen_on': True, 'awake': True, 'wake_lock_size': 3, 'media_session_state': 3, 'current_app': {'package': 'org.videolan.vlc',...
Sorry to reply it lately, It is working, But I found a new error, When device is on home or any app in normal position, it shows paused.
this are the results from some few apps it does works perfectly on vlc, but on home it shows as paused, is there any comman wasys of getting the media...
After some study on my output, I found that many apps don’t provide a media_session_state, The provide wake_lock_size, So I modify some line is homeassistant updates like below, Which is...
state off is now working well when device is turned off it does shows off for few seconds and after after that it shows unavailable. Is it behavior correct? should...