Eamonn Sullivan
Eamonn Sullivan
One way to reproduce this easily for me is to clone clojure-koans (https://github.com/functional-koans/clojure-koans), open one of the files and start cider. Editing becomes painfully slow and I get repeated errors...
Yeah, that sounds like the issue: `err "Syntax error (FileNotFoundException) compiling at (reader.clj:1:1). Could not locate clojure/tools/reader__init.class, clojure/tools/reader.clj or clojure/tools/reader.cljc on classpath. "` Thanks. I will try out the fix.
I commented out that line and it worked for me. Thank you!
I found it. It's the addition of "D" in interactive in helm-projectile-grep and helm-projectile-ack. I'll submit a patch?
Hi, we're actually depending on this change (we upgraded slate and it broke this plugin). Is there an ETA on the decision to merge? Is there something I can do...
I realise this is almost certainly the wrong place to add an issue, but just hoping to get someone's attention -- ideally, someone who can update the cert.
The issue goes away if I roll back [treemacs](https://github.com/Alexander-Miller/treemacs) to commit `76807be`. So what I think might be happening is that lsp-metals is using a symbol that has been removed,...
Probably related issue on treemacs [here](https://github.com/Alexander-Miller/treemacs/issues/988).
Final note on this, it looks like [treemacs-define-leaf-node-type](https://github.com/Alexander-Miller/treemacs/blob/master/src/elisp/treemacs-treelib.el#L373) is the intended replacement for this obsolete macro, but the arguments are different enough that I couldn't come up with a patch...