
Results 8 comments of eambrosyupgrade

@pmontiel-sumo no rep so auto close without reply? I can continue to reproduce locally. The match list is not being managed outside of terraform as documented in the issue. I...

Tested with a new match list ``` resource "sumologic_cse_match_list" "test2" { name = "tf-provider-test" description = "Testing" target_column = "SrcIp" items { description = "test" value = "" } }...

log of an invalid plan ``` 2023-09-20T15:00:07.552-0400 [WARN] Provider "registry.terraform.io/sumologic/sumologic" produced an invalid plan for sumologic_cse_match_list.test2, but we are tolerating it because it is using the legacy plugin SDK. The...

Ok i've updated to ``` resource "sumologic_cse_match_list" "test2" { name = "tf-provider-test" description = "Testing" target_column = "SrcIp" items { description = "test" value = "" } items { description...

@pmontiel-sumo New provider worked. I had to do 2 applies as first apply behaved similar as original issue. However plan for 2nd attemp did not show item ids nor removes...

Re-opening this. Like @petergs mentioned this behavior persists. 1st apply always shows removals of existing items and fails. 2nd apply "succeeds" as it is adding new items. From what I've...

@mvbrock I just tested this on (almost) certainly new name (`brand_new_list_list_name`) and am observing the same behavior. Where all plans after an apply show target column reporting back as a...