Julian Eager

Results 7 comments of Julian Eager

@dmdque check this out https://github.com/eagr/sol-repl

@CyberFork check this out https://github.com/eagr/sol-repl, just in case

@JLansey check this out https://github.com/eagr/sol-repl

For qpack, maybe. It'll be a lot of work. For others, we may be getting ahead of ourselves as there is nothing to report about yet.

duvet is still under active development and the interface may change soon, as you could see [here](https://github.com/awslabs/duvet/pull/63) in the duvet-specification. Maybe we could keep this open and wait until the...

I agree with @Ruben2424 that 0.1 could wait until we have resolved the quic trait issues. Maybe just do a 0.0.1 quickly to unblock stuff?

duvet has released a 0.2 but sadly the docs haven't landed, so we can't link to it yet. And the documentation pr seems a bit stagnant. Let's just do this....