
Results 6 issues of eadf

Basically the same problem as #12. ``` $ cargo +stable build ``` ``` Compiling bitintr v0.3.0 (/Users/redacted/Develop/rust-workspace/bitintr) error[E0658]: use of unstable library feature 'stdsimd' --> src/lib.rs:28:13 | 28 | pub...

I was looking for drivers for the Tiny RTC module (DS1307 & AT24C32) and I noticed that the EEPROM AT24C32 does not have a i2cdevlib driver (yet). After some investigation...

I've had [docs.rs add](https://github.com/rust-lang/crates-build-env/pull/91) `libopencv-dev` to their installed packages, thinking that was the only thing preventing their docker image to build `opencv-rust`. Turns out there are more problems, can you...

A simple conversion with some tests --- This change is [](https://reviewable.io/reviews/rustgd/collision-rs/136)

I need to test if an AABB3 intersects **OR** contains a Line3, so I wrote [this patch](https://github.com/eadf/collision-rs/tree/intersection_line_aabb) ```rust /// Tests if the AABB contains OR intersects a line. fn intersects(&self,...


In voronoi_builder.hpp line 400 the key of a `map` is altered in-place. Naturally I can't do this in Rust, so the obvious solution is to remove and then re-insert the...

help wanted