
Results 9 issues of eXqusic

Constantly just getting the following as an error when running any payload. /dev/hidg0: No such file or directory /dev/hidg0: No such file or directory /dev/hidg0: No such file or directory...

So I have them connected and the console says it too but I cant see the screen? Im on linux - rasbian. I get this error too: ---------------------------------------- Exception happened...

For example does it backup passwords and logins?

help wanted

Is there a way to get it to download a backup without decrypting it? So that I can use it within Itunes or another backup viewer? Thanks :)


It would be cool to see like a dropdown button or something that shows more stats about the raspberry pi like free ram, cpu usuage and so on :)


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] **Describe the solution you'd...


I did the normal setup but without the persistent backdoor but for some reason it wont show up as a Ethernet device on my mac but it does on my...

Everytime I try to get it to work it either says "an unknown error occurred" when installing the app with xcode or the app will install and crash on start...