Hi guys, just wanted to know if there's a plan to make it work. @anpari's suggestion sounds about right. I also need curvature only for overlapping edges and there's not...
Hi, thanks for the reply. The issue is not neighbor ordering. For the simple 3 nodes example I provided, sure visiting (3) first would solve the problem. You are correct...
```typescript import DirectedGraph from 'graphology'; import {dfs} from 'graphology-traversal'; const graph = new DirectedGraph(); graph.addNode('1'); graph.addNode('2'); graph.addNode('3'); graph.addDirectedEdge('1', '3'); graph.addDirectedEdge('3', '2'); graph.addDirectedEdge('1', '2'); console.log('expected output:\nnode: 1, depth: 0\nnode: 3, depth:...
BTW:  As you can see, the (1,3) edge isn't even considered, we go from (2) straight to (3). IF we were to start from (1,3) edge then we would...
@Yomguithereal I will check soon when I have some time. While you are on it and changing this code anyway, maybe use the 3rd approach in the [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depth-first_search) page, "stack...
@Yomguithereal I think that BFS does not suffer from this issue because it uses FIFO, so it doesn't matter if you find the same node later
> Side question: if I introduce comparison functions to order dfs and bfs traversals, what should be the order of neighbors in each case, based on the result of the...