
Results 9 issues of eLFuvo

When author of latest post is removed I have this error: ``` Trying to get property of non-object in @vendor/bizley/podium/src/views/elements/forum/_forum.php ``` patch this please in src/views/elements/forum/_forum.php:24 as follow ```php if...


I have configure external (default yii2) authManager component for podium forum as: ```php 'modules' => [ 'podium' => [ 'class' => 'bizley\podium\Podium', 'userComponent' => 'user', 'adminId' => 1, 'rbacComponent' =>...


I.m using now 5.4.45 version of PHP. After install I had seen the following error: ``` PHP Compile Error – yii\base\ErrorException Can't use function return value in write context ......


user subscription presence

new feature: adding avatar to a user

new features: creation of room, adding member to a room, bookmarks for a room, direct invitation to a room of a user

protocol VCard of 0.7 version is removed

When I try to render empty select by plugin it doesn't make anything - it's ok; But when I try to get the value of this select using the plugin,...