
Results 4 issues of eAvio

On Laravel Nova user resource we also see login tonkes that are generated on user login. Is there a way to hide that? We would only like user to see...


Hi, This would be very nice addon. In Money.php it could be something like this: ``` $formattedValue = $this->inMinorUnits ? $value / $this->minorUnit($currency) : (float) $value; if($value < 0) {...

Hi, We have some issues with version 2.3.1. When using composer 2, we get multiple errors connected with **jsonpath** package: `Class Flow\JSONPath\Test\JSONPathTest located in ./vendor/flow/jsonpath/tests/JSONPathTest.php does not comply with psr-0...

Hi, I'm getting error `PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "TechDivision\Import\Cli\Utils\DependencyInjectionKeys" not found` after running vendor/bin/import-simple I installed packaced via composer require techdivision/simple-cli-import. Should I install something else? Or where...