Sébastien Biass
Sébastien Biass
Hi there, Thanks for the awesome theme! I was trying the \setbeameroption{show notes on second screen} option, but it removed random bits of text. I saw a fix there: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/288408/beamer-show-notes-on-second-screen-with-xelatex-and-atbeginsection...
Hello all, This is a question rather than issue, but is there a way to send requests into the queue (i.e. as from the website) from the python api? Thank...
Hi, Awesome contribution! Is there any easy way of extending the side block on the following pages or is it restricted to the first page? Thanks!
Hi there, I was just wondering if you had an updated version of the code anywhere? Thanks a lot for the great work! S
### What maintenance does this project need? I used to be able to programatically check the update of a request using this: ```python reply = dict(request_id=df.iloc[i]['r']) # Get ID new_client...