I'm glad someone is interested at all :D Not many are left who are interested in retro computing...
Yeah, i already tried to use Makefile.open and built library, then copied it to esp_slip_router folder and replaced the old one, but after trying to recompile esp_slip_router i've got that...
Any news about it? As i see zigbee2mqtt already has support for it...
Add **MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=4.3** to environment variables will fix it
Thanks a lot! I've resurrected the project https://shellsforshits.com/ and using your ssh honeypot as the backend. :)
Just did update on my swarm, error: cannot open db: failed to find migration history, err: no such table: migration_history, had to manually create sqlite3 table: ``` CREATE TABLE migration_history...
> I have the same issue. Updated the docker with the following command: `docker-compose down && docker image rm neosmemo/memos:latest && docker-compose up -d` (as stated in the README). Container...
I've attached the pcap file [nbe_v13_protocol.pcap.zip](https://github.com/motoz/PellMon/files/7160588/nbe_v13_protocol.pcap.zip)
Now i've got another error: ``` find controller retry 1 timeout('timed out',) wait controller wait controller wait controller find controller retry 2 ValueError('need more than 1 value to unpack',) wait...
Attached the bcap :) [nbe_v13_protocol.pcap.zip](https://github.com/motoz/PellMon/files/7169746/nbe_v13_protocol.pcap.zip)